J Neurosci. 2012 Oct 24;32(43):14874-84. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1733-12.2012.
Pain and plasticity: is chronic pain always associated with somatosensory cortex activity and reorganization?
The somatosensory cortex remodels in response to sensory deprivation, with regions deprived of input invaded by neighboring representations. The degree of cortical reorganization is correlated with ongoing pain intensity, which has led to the assumption that chronic pain conditions are invariably associated with somatosensory cortex reorganization. Because the presentation and etiology of chronic pain vary, we determined whether cortical changes in human subjects are similar for differing pain types. Using functional and anatomical magnetic resonance imaging, we found that, while human patients with neuropathic pain displayed cortical reorganization and changes in somatosensory cortex activity, patients with non-neuropathic chronic pain did not. Furthermore, cortical reorganization in neuropathic pain patients was associated with changes in regional anatomy. These data, by showing that pain per se is not associated with cortical plasticity, suggest that treatments aimed at reversing cortical reorganization should only be considered for use in patients with certain types of chronic pain.
今回の研究は、神経因性と非神経因性でS1の体性感覚地図の変化がどのように異なるのか?ということを調べた研究です。最近、腰痛(back pain)や肩こり(shoulder pain)に鏡療法などの中枢性疼痛に対する治療法が効果があるのかどうかが疑問に思っていたんで、参考になりました。やはり、神経に損傷がある場合とそうでない場合に一次体性感覚野の感覚地図の再構成に差が見られたことは、両者に対するアプローチは違うぽいですね。
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