

Curr Biol. 2011 Dec 6;21(23):R945-6. Epub 2011 Dec 5. 
The rubber hand illusion increases histamine reactivity in the real arm.

Barnsley N, McAuley JH, Mohan R, Dey A, Thomas P, Moseley GL. 
Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, Australia; The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Most people are convinced that their body parts are in fact their own, but in some clinical conditions, this sense of ownership can be lost [1]. Perceptual illusions, most famously the rubber hand illusion (RHI) [2], demonstrate that a sense of ownership over a body part (or an entire body [3]) that is not in fact ours can be easily induced in healthy volunteers. But does illusory ownership over an artificial body part have consequences for the real body part, the one that has been 'replaced'? Recent data show the RHI induces a small but robust drop in skin temperature of the real hand. That is, blood flow to the 'disowned' hand seems to be selectively reduced [1]. Such a finding is particularly relevant to the immune system because a primary role of the immune system is to 'discriminate self from non-self'[4]. We predicted that the innate immune system may be upregulated in a manner consistent with rejection of the replaced hand. Consistent with this prediction, we report here that the RHI increases histamine reactivity, which is a key final pathway of the innate immune response and has been implicated in autoimmune disorders, including multiple sclerosis [5]. Our finding has direct implications for autoimmune disorders and a range of neurological and psychiatric conditions characterised by a disrupted sense of ownership over one's body (see [1] for a list of conditions), and has broader implications that extend well beyond previous assertions about the mind-body link.

大抵の人は、自己の身体が、自分のモノであることを疑うことはない。しかし、ある臨床の場面では、このような身体の所有感が失われることがある。ゴムの手錯覚(rubber hand illusion:RHI)と呼ばれる非常に有名な知覚の錯覚では、健常者において自己の身体部位に対する所有感を、自己の身体以外の物体にも簡単に持たせることが出来る。しかし、錯覚により身体以外の人工物に対して所有感を持つことは、頭の中で実際の自分の手と置き換えられることになるのだろうか?最近のデータでは、RHIは、小さいが非常に頑健な皮膚温の低下を自己の手に生じさせることが明らかにされた。つまり、所有感を失った自己の本物の手への血流量が低下していると考えられる。この発見は、免疫系に対しても般化することが出来る。なぜなら、免疫系の第一義的な役割は、自己と非自己を区別することだからである。


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